Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Experience with Wrought Iron Chandelier

When I first began to date the woman I am now married to, I found her quirky, goth aesthetic to be cute and charming. I was sure that she would get over it in a year or two, and although I thought her decorating schemes were tacky, I was willing to put up with them because of how much I loved her. Then we got married, and things got difficult. You see, if anything, her tastes in all things dark and Gothic have become more exaggerated over the years. For a time, I was prone to dismiss it as some kind of life crisis, but now I know better. It is not a life crisis – it is just life!

I didn't mind the wrought iron furniture that much, and I didn't object to the wrought iron candle holders in our rooms. I put up with all of the Nightmare Before Christmas figurines, and the skull shaped motifs decorating the walls. When she decided to put up a wrought iron chandelier in the living room, however, I put my foot down. Both of us love to entertain guests, and our guests are pretty tolerant people. I have always been a little bit ashamed of her taste, but my friends don't seem to mind. Nevertheless, a wrought iron chandelier is so over-the-top that I really couldn't put up with it anymore. She needs to realize that we don't live in a Spanish Inquisition era dungeon. We live in a modern American home, and modern American homes do not have wrought iron chandeliers!

I had not expected the wrought iron chandelier discussion to be much of a fight. You see, in general we are pretty good about compromising. I have always let her make most of the decorating decisions, but whenever I have had something very strong to say, she has taken my opinion to heart. I figured that, once she understood how much that wrought iron chandelier had begun to irritate me, she would take it down without much of a fight. To my surprise, however, it turned into the biggest fight that we have had in years. At first, she categorically refused to take the wrought iron chandelier down. Then, when she did, she didn't stop with it. She began to take down all of her decorations and put them into a box, sniffling on the edge of tears. It made me feel so bad that I almost gave in, right then and there!

Interested in purchasing an wrought iron chandelier? You can do that easily just click on:
Wrought Iron Chandeliers Store

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Wrought Iron Floor Lamp Adventure

Let me start my wrought iron floor lamp adventure, telling you how it all began.

A day I decided to get a wrought iron floor lamp to stand in my studio. In general, I don't really like classical design, but in that case wrought iron floor lamps were an exception. I was looking for something combining functionality with style and that was the great thing about a wrought iron lamp. They are well made, sturdy, and decorative in a way that is not ostentatious. They stand there looking solid and stoic, giving light year after year. I knew a wrought iron floor lamp was exactly what I needed, but where would I get such a thing?

Like many of us, I am an IKEA shopper, I can say that for sure. I like things cheap, simple, easy to transport, and easy to assemble. I don't pay a lot of money for expensive furniture, I avoid antiques unless they are extremely cheap and practical, and in general I don't put a lot of thought into setting up my house. I just let things sort of fall together. They almost always do. The only problem I have had, in fact, is with floor lamps. All of the standing lamps that I have bought at IKEA, Target, and similar stores have given me nothing but trouble. You see, plastic is great for most things, but it doesn't really work for lamps. They will sit unevenly, leaning off to one side or another. They will fall over easily, shattering light bulbs. They will bend or break in the long run, no matter how careful I am with them. It drives me crazy. They cost enough that they should work!

That was the first time in my life, I went to a lighting store. It happened a few weeks ago. I was so dazzled that I forgot I was looking for a wrought iron floor lamp. I am a feast or famine kind of guy. In general, I don't really care very much about household goods, but when I am in the mood to shop, you had better look out. Anything that sparkles, looks new and improved, or flashes is off the shelf and into my cart before I can even argue with myself. In the end, I put back most of the items, but it was about half an hour before I even remembered the wrought iron floor lamp. I had forgotten why I have come there! Still, after some further searching, I found the perfect wrought iron lamp.

Now my wrought iron floor lamp stoically stands in my studio, I'm proudly showing it to my friends coming to visit me and it shows no sign of toppling over, a really discrete companion, believe me.

Visit our Wrought Iron Floor Lamp Store